A boomerang is a thrown tool typically constructed with airfoil sections and designed to spin about an axis perpendicular to the direction of its flight.
Noun. boomerang (plural boomerangs) A flat curved airfoil that spins about an axis perpendicular to the direction of flight, originally used in various parts ...
1. a curved flat wooden missile of native Australians, which can be made to return to the thrower 2. an action or statement that recoils on its originator.
adjective · coming back, returning, or backfiring: the boomerang consequences of his lies. · Informal. of or noting a person who returns to their parents' home ...
The meaning of BOOMERANG is a bent or angular throwing club typically flat on one side and rounded on the other so that it soars or curves in flight; ...
A boomerang is a curved piece of wood that returns to the thrower if tossed correctly . To boomerang is to bounce back to a previous position like a boomerang. This word comes whirling to us from an Australian language (Dharuk). The primary meaning i